
Troubled Geographies:
Two centuries of Religious Division in Ireland

  Home Summary Publications Social Explorer Acknowledgements
The Plantations
Pre-Famine Ireland
The Famine
Towards Partition
Partition & Civil War
Continuous division
Towards the Celtic Tiger
Northern Ireland, 1971-2001
The Troubles

We have a number of publications including books, journal articles and book chapters in preparation or under review. Details will be made available as they appear.

We have also given the following presentations on this work:

The project team organised a session on “Troubled Spaces: Territoriality and the Troubles in Northern Ireland” at the Social Science History Association meeting in Miami (24/10/08). Cunningham presented a paper on “New approaches to the Troubles in Northern Ireland” and Ell presented on “Towards an Irish Historical GIS: Long-term change in Irish religion, 1861-2001.”

“Troubled Geographies: Two centuries of religious division in Ireland,” Lancaster, 28/11/07 AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Phase I Launch Conference

“Using GIS to understand space and time in the Digital Humanities” Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan 26/5/08. Invited faculty seminar.

“Troubled Geographies: Two centuries of religious division in Ireland” Oxford, 10/7/08. Encounters and Intersections: Religion, diaspora and ethnicities

“Analysing religious change and political violence in Ireland: A GIS approach” Colchester, 22/8/08. Historical GIS 2008

“From historical censuses to Lake District literature: Uses of GIS in the humanities” Sheffield, 13/10/08. Invited presentation at Digital Technology: Its role in humanities research

“Harnessing digital technologies for spatio-temporal analysis in historical research: A GIS approach to long-term religious division in Ireland” Belfast, 11/12/08. Network of Expert Centres in Digital Arts and Humanities

“Geographical Information Systems as a research tool for the humanities” Dublin, 12/12/08. Invited presentation at 1641 Depositions Workshop

“Historical GIS in Britain and Ireland: Progress and possibilities” NUIM, Maynooth, Ireland 12/2/09. Invited faculty seminar

“Censuses, literature and newspapers: Using Geographical Information Systems to bring geography into the Digital Humanities” Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 13/2/09. Invited seminar.

“A Place in the Digital Humanities:Using GIS to better understand humanities geographies” Kyoto, Japan, 27/2/09. Invited presentation at the 1st International Symposium on Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts and Culture.

“Religion has its Place: An HGIS of Religious Change and Conflict in Ireland Since the Famine” University College Cork, 15/5/09. Conference of Irish Geographers

“‘Maimed at the start’: Belfast and the impact of the Troubles” Long Beach, 15/11/09. Social Science History Association






Religion and Society

Lancaster University

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