
Troubled Geographies:
Two centuries of Religious Division in Ireland

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The Plantations
Pre-Famine Ireland
The Famine
Towards Partition
Partition & Civil War
Continuous division
Towards the Celtic Tiger
Northern Ireland, 1971-2001
The Troubles


We are very grateful to Mr. Malcolm Sutton for permission to use his database of deaths resulting from the Troubles in Northern Ireland and Dr. Martin Melaugh (CAIN, University of Ulster) for providing access to this dataset.

Much of the statistical data used in this project was based on the Database of Irish Historical Statistics, in particular:

  • Clarkson, L.A. et al. , Database of Irish Historical Statistics [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive [distributor], November 1997. SN: 3579
  • Dowling, M.W. et al. , Database of Irish Historical Statistics : Census Material, 1901-1971 [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive [distributor], May 1998. SN: 3542.

Further digitisation work was done at the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis, Queen's University Belfast where we are grateful to: Elaine Yeates, Karleigh Kelso, David Hardy and Brigid Sloan. Additional digitisation was done by Lucy Cunningham.

The AHRC/ESRC’s Religion and Society Programme funded this work under grant AH/F008929/1 “Troubled Geographies: Two centuries of religious division in Ireland”




Religion and Society

Lancaster University

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